
Tanner Glasrud Named Peak Performer of the Month

The Manitoba Pork Peak Performer for the month of October is Swan Valley Stampeders defenceman Tanner Glasrud.

Affectionately nicknamed “Rudy” by his teammates, the 18 year-old rookie from Delano, Minnesota is hard to miss as he stands 6-foot-7.

Tanner volunteers with the Swan Valley Minor Hockey Association as well as regularly assisting with reading and physical education programs at Heyes School. He also helped Swan Valley Communities That Care set up Spooktober-Fest at the local museum, volunteered at Extra Foods, Co-Op and the local curling club.

He was also a guest star on the Swan Valley Stampeders’ YouTube channel for the Junior Stampeder Reporter. Tanner is clearly making a positive impact both on the ice and in the Swan Valley region.