Swan River, MB – The Swan Valley Stampeders Junior “A” Hockey Club Inc. held their Annual General Meeting Wednesday June 20, 2019 at the Westwood Inn.
President Pat Morden opened the evening thanking all fans, volunteers, the board of directors, marketing, the team and all staff on an unbelievable season and is looking forward to seeing everyone out next year.
The Stampeders organization then welcomed in new Head Coach and General Manager Geoff Grimwood who spoke about the excitement of the upcoming season.
Important Numbers (Revenue)
Income 2018-19 Season
Ticket Sales – $132,307.80
Corporate Sponsorship – $110,623.10
Fundraising – $81,059.52
Planned Events –$155,130.48
Total Revenue $479,120.63
Important Numbers In (Expenditures)
Expenses (Overlook)
Billets & Misc Player Costs – $51,991.65
MJHL Fees – $18,000
Referee – $22,666.90
Arena/Dressing Room Rental – $29,030.57
Recruit & Scouting – $7,608.99
Sticks – $38,967.86
Salaries & Benefits – $92,801.25
Bus Repair & Maintenance – $28,402.73
Hotels – $21,352.97
Meals – $31,033.12
Total Expenses $478,387.55
The Stampeders want to report that they ended the 2018-2019 season with a $6,402.95 deficit.
The Board of Directors are now seeking new members. If you, or someone you know wants to join please contact any board member today.
- Warren Clark
The Swan Valley Stampeders want to thank our outgoing board member Warren Clark for his hard work and commitment to the Stampeder brand over the past year.
Stay tuned for season tickets and flex pack pricing and sales for the upcoming 2019-20 season.